The Angry Man: Why Does He Act That Way

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Is it wrong to be angry? Within its boundaries anger is a natural emotional warning system. Neither is anger a man's enemy. But it can be his downfall. And that's what alarms sociologist. Men of today are angry. Some may be unsure of how to carry off the masculine role. Others are off-center and strain to live up to a masculine myth. Still others base their identity on accomplishments, money, strength, or sex. Still more are angry without even knowing why. Whatever the reason, these emotions have been festering long enough that a flashpoint is inevitable. THE ANGRY MAN deals head-on with the turbulent emotions men face. In a message to both men and women, the authors devote the first half of their book to tackling a man's unwillingness or inability to talk about his emotions. In attempting to unlock the doors to a man's deepest personal thoughts and feelings, the authors trace a number of root problems: the absence of a father growing up (emotional, physical, or marital absence); unrealistic expectations of manhood; low self-worth; social immaturity; incompetence; guilt; fear; failure; or role confusion. Of pivotal importance is learning practical steps to help a man become aware of his anger, express it in a positive healthy way, and resolve his troubled feelings. In the second half of THE ANGRY MAN, the authors discuss several key ideas women can employ to help men find peace: *be a friend, not a mother; *appreciate rather than nag; *affirm, don't criticize; *give him space instead of crowing him; *give him time, don't rush him; **hold him responsible so you won't be codependent; and *give, don't withhold. If a man can come to grips with the truth about his manhood, competence, worth, limitations, and meaning of life, there is hope on the horizon. THE ANGRY MAN will help men deal with the causes and consequences of their anger, and will enable women to understand their men's quest for peace from rage. - from Amzon 
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